director. sound maker.
community builder. 

Hello. Welcome. I’m a director, performer, sound designer, and vocalist working at the intersections of art, somatic healing, and anti-oppression. Based in Lenapehoking, Brooklyn.

I have little interest in having a website, but it seems to be the way people learn about each other these days…

I am much more interested in human contact.

So you can learn a little more about me and my work here. But please reach out for more info or to say hello. 



ayo minor
New Single Released!

ayo released a new (old) song, originally written in 2018. 

soup + songs series
January and February 2025

join ayo for an intimate concert in her studio in Red Hook, Brooklyn
reach out for dates and to RSVP

Fresh Tracks
Save the Dates!
June 13-14, 2025

ayo is part of the 60th cohort of the New York Live Arts Fresh Tracks program